The Enterprise Partnerships Division functions as an innovation liaison for interdisciplinary co-creation in cooperation with industry, local governments, and researchers from across the university through joint-research development that proposes optimal research seeds based on industry needs, the promotion of open innovation that brings multiple companies and researchers together as a team for the creation of innovation, and the management and utilization of intellectual property to turn researcher inventions into intellectual property rights that companies can use, as well as through the Entrepreneurship Center where the development of startups fosters an entrepreneurial spirit and promotes use in society through startup ventures and entrepreneurship education exists to train startup professionals, led by a team of instructors with professional management experience.
1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501 Japan
Tel. +81(0)78-803-5945
E-mail: oacis-sodan@office.kobe-u. ac.jp
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