With the advent of a population explosion in developing countries and increasing global environmental problems, there is a growing concern for the world food supply in the near future. In particular, the considerably low food self-sufficiency ratio of Japan requires the establishment of a stable food supply system. The Department of Agricultural Engineering and Socio-Economics aims to systematize all processes from agricultural infrastructure to distribution and consumption of foods, so that producers and consumers alike may coexist in an environmentally sustainable society. The Department has two divisions: the Division of Agricultural Engineering and the Division of Food and Environmental Economics. We provide students with a broad knowledge and skill set related to food and the environment, enabling them to play an active role in the public or private sector.

Agricultural Engineering

This course provides students with education in agricultural engineering fields including the use and conservation of water and land resources (the essential components of an agricultural production environment), and the development of machinery related to crop cultivation, harvesting, and processing.

Food and Environmental Economics

This course examines various fields from a social sciences perspective, including the theory and policies behind resolving issues related to food supply, agriculture, and the environment; measures for the development of agricultural business and the revitalization of agricultural societies; statistical approach to food production, distribution and consumption, and the nature of agriculture-related industry.

About the Doctoral Program
  1. Students will learn advanced academic research techniques in each specialist field.
  2. As well as improving students’ English academic writing abilities and English debating skills, we make use of our academic agreements with foreign institutions to equip students with the skills to work in an international environment.
  3. Students can gain a broad interdisciplinary perspective through taking a joint class with the five natural sciences graduate schools in Kobe University, Advanced Science and Technology II.
  4. Students who demonstrate particularly outstanding research results can take all the credits necessary to complete this course in just over a year (an early graduation system).

Key Information

  • Degree Programme
    Doctor of Philosophy,
    Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Science
  • Subject area
    Agricultural Engineering
    Food and Environmental Economics
  • Duration
    3 years
  • Total Intake (AY 2015)


Contact Us

1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501 Japan
Tel. +81(0)78-803-5928
E-mail: ans-kyomu@office.kobe-u. ac.jp
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