Gigantic asteroid impact shifted the axis of Solar System’s biggest moon
Mouse study: Proteins do the damage in fetal abdominal inflammation
Plants offer fruit to insects to disperse dust-like seeds
Same workout, different weight loss: Signal molecule versions are key
It takes a cool microscope and antifreeze to really look at ice
Treatment for autoimmune disorder acts on balance of immune cell types
Rethinking English essay scores: The argument for argument over grammar
What makes some brown algae shimmer and others not?
Tracing HIV in Indonesia
New record holder for smallest dispersers of ingested seeds: Woodlice
Clumps of this molecule inhibit strep’s DNA-cleaving enzymes
Mosaics of predisposition cause skin disease
A flexible and efficient DC power converter for sustainable-energy microgrids
A microbial plastic factory for high-quality green plastic
A high-boost and high-efficiency DC power converter
Modesty and boastfulness – perception depends on usual performance
Synaptic protein change during development offers clues on evolution and disease
AI decodes whole-cortex functional images to predict behavioral states
How to upcycle low-energy light
Often seen, never studied: First characterization of a key postsynaptic protein
A new plant’s name that tells a story
Experiment captures why pottery forms are culturally distinct
Biggest Holocene volcano eruption found by seabed survey
Pollinator's death trap turns into nursery
Self-monitoring improves physical activity of care-needing elderly
Structural color ink: Printable, non-iridescent and lightweight
Dry-cleaning fluid becomes a synthetic chemist's treasure
Pancake stack of films on a balloon most accurate gamma-ray telescope
Mice with humanized immune systems to test cancer immunotherapies
Orchid without bumblebee on island finds wasp, loses self