Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Press releases

Measuring how much wood a wood shuck shucks with all-new wood shuck food

Creating an international innovation hub for engineering biology
Press releases

A flexible and efficient DC power converter for sustainable-energy microgrids

Recreate development in a petri dish to understand how plants live
Press releases

Successful polycarbonate synthesis using the photo-on-demand interfacial polymerization method
Press releases

Developing fluoroalkyl carbonates to make pharmaceutical and chemical industries cleaner and safer
Press releases

New photocatalytic membrane that can be cleaned using light energy
Press releases

New eco-friendly synthesis method uses alumina as a recyclable catalyst
Press releases

Green technology breakthrough
Press releases

PFN’s MN-3 Tops Green500 List of World’s Most Energy-Efficient Supercomputers for Second Time
Press releases

Faster detection of photocatalyst-generated oxygen has big implications for clean energy
Press releases

Highly efficient hydrogen gas production using sunlight, water and hematite
Press releases

Novel protein positioning technique improves functionality of yeast cells
Press releases

Solar cell design with over 50% energy-conversion efficiency
Press releases

Making oil from algae