Event date: 2024.09.25

Audience Students

Location Rokkodai 1st Campus

Date and time

 September 25, 2024 (Wednesday) at 10:00 a.m.

 (Please be seated by 9:50 a.m. Note that once the ceremony begins, attendees will not be allowed to leave until its conclusion.)


 Graduate schools graduates (master's programs, doctoral programs, thesis doctoral programs, professional degree programs)


 Idemitsu Sazo Memorial Rokkodai Auditorium(Rokkodai 1st Campus)

Live broadcast

The ceremony will be broadcast simultaneously on the Kobe University YouTube channel.

You can watch the live broadcast of the ceremony on YouTube

Important points

  • Up to two family member per graduate is allowed to attend.
  • Updates on the event and the broadcast schedule will be posted on this website as needed.


    (Incharge:Student Affairs Division, Student Affairs Department)