Fascinated by Japanese, he introduced the works of MURAKAMI Haruki to Spain
Preserving the traditions of the Kobe University Kanze School Noh Play Club
A female cheering squad captain: The finale of a long year
Becoming Japan’s No. 1 in an English speech contest
Strong aspirations for the World Masters Games 2027 Kansai
First international competition, coming in second in class
Kobe U alums: A university unity that transcends generations and faculties
A bridge between Myanmar and Japan
Polishing the art of rakugo and connecting with the community
Passing on the javelin to future generations
Supporting international student employment and fostering global talent
Big dreams in the world of dance
Overcoming the pandemic and reviving the school festival
Rethinking what it means to be a parent
From medical school to medical startup
Studied Science to Write Novels
Figure skater aiming for the next Olympics
Embarking on an entrepreneurial life, starting from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
Toward a New Paradigm for Epilepsy Treatment
Leading Membrane Science and Technology through Academic–Industrial Partnerships and International Joint Research
An International Platform for unique silicon-based nanomaterial applications
Rekindling Recollections of Places Affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Clarifying the Megathrust Earthquake Mechanism
Aiming to feed future generations without famine
Becoming Kobe University’s First Female Dean in a Social Sciences Field
Focusing on issues facing people without transportation access from minority perspectives
Research is a University Hospital’s Mission
Bioengineering to Achieve Carbon Neutrality
At the cutting edge of space development
Mysterious plants and multi-faceted symbioses