On July 1st, students participating in the Kobe University CAMPUS Asia Plus Program to be dispatched to short-term study program at the National University of Laos (including internship at Ministry of Education and Sports) from this August, visited Professor TAMAKI Hisashi, Director of the Institute for the Promotion of International Partnerships. From the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Professor NISHITANI Makiko (Director of the program committee), Professor OGAWA Keiichi (Deputy director of the program committee), Assistant Professor NAKAHARA Masato in charge of the CAMPUS Asia Office, Mr. Sasaki (Administrative Section Head), and Ms. Osaka (Technical Officer) were also present. 


Each student introduced him/herself in English and showed their expectations to develop their research skills through study and internship in Laos. Professor TAMAKI encouraged students that “It is a precious experience, please utilize the opportunity for your research”.

The CAMPUS Asia Plus Program has been expanding as a university-wide program. The students who participate in the CAMPUS Asia Plus Program this year also expected to be dispatched to Fudan University, and Chulalongkorn University, and we accept exchange students from Korea University, National University of Laos and Chulalongkorn University.

(CAMPUS Asia Office) 

Related Link: CAMPUS Asia Plus Program