Innovative Systems Approach for Facilitating Smarter World

Innovative Systems Approach for Facilitating Smarter World


  • 著者
  • 貝原俊也, 喜多一, 高橋真吾, 舩橋誠壽 編著
  • 出版年月
  • 2023年02月
  • ISBN
  • 9789811977763 / 9789811977787




システム情報学研究科 教授 貝原俊也


  • Toward Realization of Innovative Systems Approach for Societal Design: Multiscale Social Modeling and Simulation (MSMS) Methodology
  • Modelling-Driven Optimization Problems with Uncertainty Tolerance and Their Solution Strategies: A Risk-Management Perspective in the Circulating and Spiral-up Systems Approach
  • Issues of System Cooperation from a Viewpoint of System Structure
  • Boundary and Relationality Perspective Systems Approach: Towards Its Development
  • Relationality Design Emphasizing Clinical Aspects of System of Systems in Local Community
  • Black-Box Optimization and Its Applications
  • Estimation of Objective Functions: Modeling of Problems and Understanding of Decision-Making Processes Towards the Spiral-up Systems Approach
  • Co-evolutionary Decision-Making Modeling Via Integration of Machine Learning and Optimization
  • Agent Modeling, Gaming Simulation, and Their Formal Description
  • Causal and Deductive Reasoning in Socio-Economic Systems
  • Co-Creative Modeling as Adaptive Decision-Making Process
  • Mutual Growth of Human and System in Smarter World
  • Towards SoS Evolution Management for Developing Smarter Cities: Social Significance and Approaches
  • Power System Progressing with Systems Approach
  • Power Network System Technology: A Focus on SoS
  • System of Systems in Railway
  • Current and Future Trends on Smart Home Technology: Including SoS Perspective