Ethnic Diversity and Economic Instability in Africa

Ethnic Diversity and Economic Instability in Africa

Interdisciplinary Perspectives


  • 著者
  • 日野博之, John Lonsdale, Gustav Ranis, Frances Stewart 編
  • 出版年月
  • 2012年07月
  • ISBN
  • 9781107025998




本研究プロジェクトの成果物として、『How Can Africa Flourish with Ethnic Diversity? Synopsis of the Fifth Kobe University/JICA Conference on Ethnic Diversity and Economic Instability in Africa』(2013年) も発刊されています。

国際協力機構(JICA) 緒方貞子平和開発研究所 書籍紹介より


  • Part I. De-mystifying Ethnicity
    • 1. Ethnic patriotism and markets in African history
    • 2. The concept of ethnicity: strengths and limitations for quantitative analysis
    • 3. Essence of ethnicity: an African perspective
  • Part II. Does Ethnic Diversity Hinder Economic Development?
    • 4. State, ethnicity and economy in Africa
    • 5. Ethnic politics, economic reform and democratisation in Africa
    • 6. Evidence from spatial correlation of poverty and income in Kenya
  • Part III. Relationships between Ethnicity and Stability:
    • 7. Belonging, exclusion and ethnic competition
    • 8. Horizontal inequalities and market instability in Africa
    • 9. Impact of ethnicities on market outcome: results of market experiments in Kenya
    • Conclusion: key findings of our interdisciplinary dialogue